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 Planning to so some car work

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4 posters

Name : Mark
Age : 46
Location : Newberg, OR
Joined : 2009-03-17
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Planning to so some car work Empty
PostSubject: Planning to so some car work   Planning to so some car work EmptyFri Sep 25, 2009 3:26 pm

Okay guys,
I'll be doing some repairs on my riv to get it back to tip top. Let me say this site is awesome when it comes to repairs, write-ups and information.

So here goes:
Replacing window motor driver side - I've bought a new one but want to make sure there's nothing that's going to suprise me. Is it as straight forward as it looks?

Serp belts and pulleys - done this one before but this time I'll be doing the pulleys. Any brand I should shy away from or maybe I should get?

Injectors - I've always used premium gas but I have 120,000 miles and I'm thinking it'd be good to replace the injectors. Is that difficult? Some of the threads I've seen make it look fairly straightforward.

I appreciate and info. Part numbers especially. Thanks everyone.
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Name : Bert
Location : North Alabama
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Planning to so some car work Empty
PostSubject: Re: Planning to so some car work   Planning to so some car work EmptyFri Sep 25, 2009 3:51 pm

I would not monkey with the injectors unless you are having driveability problems that point towards them as the culprit or some sort of diagnostic indication of a problem.

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Name : Derek
Age : 52
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Planning to so some car work Empty
PostSubject: Re: Planning to so some car work   Planning to so some car work EmptyFri Sep 25, 2009 4:53 pm

Bert, I'll disagree with you there. You may have driveability issues you aren't aware of on 120,000 mile stock injectors. Having them externally cleaned and flowed makes a huge difference in consistency and smoothness. I had a 'sputter' at idle for a long time and for a while couldn't figure out what was missing when I put my new injectors in... a huge difference.

Mark, I offer as a 'service' (see the for sale section) injector cleaning. I know a place that does an excellent job, I have a full set of similar used stock injectors I can send out for cleaning/flow testing and then to you for under $100. I don't make any profit on this transaction, and it costs around $80 plus shipping here and there and back to you. If you are interested let me know. I only ask that you send me your old injectors in return so I can do this for someone else.
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Name : Mark
Age : 46
Location : Newberg, OR
Joined : 2009-03-17
Post Count : 394
Merit : 11

Planning to so some car work Empty
PostSubject: Re: Planning to so some car work   Planning to so some car work EmptyFri Sep 25, 2009 5:16 pm

I've always had a slight (and I do mean slight) up in down in RPMs at idle and for me it's always been bothersome. That why after reading some of the threads on here, it's probably a good idea to have those taken care of.

As for cost, you should make a profit for what you're offering. I have no problem paying that and sending you the others - I really want to know what I'm getting myself into as well. It looks simple enough?
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Planning to so some car work Empty
PostSubject: Re: Planning to so some car work   Planning to so some car work EmptyFri Sep 25, 2009 5:41 pm

playa wrote:
I've always had a slight (and I do mean slight) up in down in RPMs at idle and for me it's always been bothersome. That why after reading some of the threads on here, it's probably a good idea to have those taken care of.

As for cost, you should make a profit for what you're offering. I have no problem paying that and sending you the others - I really want to know what I'm getting myself into as well. It looks simple enough?

Hunting at idle might just mean the throttle boday needs to be removed and cleaned. You will need a 'tamper proof' TORX(R) screw bit - I think T15 but check yourself don't go by me - and a replacement TB gasket (cheap) along with TB cleaner.
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