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 Was I Seeing Things??

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Name : Dave Brown
Joined : 2010-12-12
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Was I Seeing Things?? Empty
PostSubject: Was I Seeing Things??   Was I Seeing Things?? EmptySun Jan 16, 2011 6:40 pm

I don't own a Riv yet so don't know everything about them so bare with me.

I was sitting in a restaurant this morning and noticed a lady in a Riviera pull into the paint store across the road. She got out and closed her door but it didn't appear to close fully. Then it looked like the door pulled itself closed like a Mercedes can do or like a lot of trunks pull themselves closed. Is this something the Riviera does or did my eye's play a trick on me?
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Name : curt
Location : upstate ny
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Was I Seeing Things?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was I Seeing Things??   Was I Seeing Things?? EmptySun Jan 16, 2011 6:45 pm

i dont think this is a factory option but who know about the aftermarket. I know my 95 does not have this option..
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Was I Seeing Things?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was I Seeing Things??   Was I Seeing Things?? EmptySun Jan 16, 2011 9:35 pm

SilvrSRT10 wrote:
I don't own a Riv yet so don't know everything about them so bare with me.

I was sitting in a restaurant this morning and noticed a lady in a Riviera pull into the paint store across the road. She got out and closed her door but it didn't appear to close fully. Then it looked like the door pulled itself closed like a Mercedes can do or like a lot of trunks pull themselves closed. Is this something the Riviera does or did my eye's play a trick on me?

A version of that kind of door closer is a customization add-on for vehicles owned/operated by the handicapped.


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Name : Dave Brown
Joined : 2010-12-12
Post Count : 6
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Was I Seeing Things?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Was I Seeing Things??   Was I Seeing Things?? EmptySun Jan 16, 2011 10:00 pm

Could be. I didn't go over and look closely at it. She didn't appear to be the type who would have customized it or need that feature. She was getting around pretty well but who knows. May have just been my eye's messing with me. Or maybe she leaned on the door and I missed it. Would have been a cool feature on the Riv if it had come from the factory like that. Thanks for your replies.
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