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 95 Radiator replacement missing "Coolant Sensor"?

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95 Radiator replacement missing "Coolant Sensor"? Empty
PostSubject: 95 Radiator replacement missing "Coolant Sensor"?   95 Radiator replacement missing "Coolant Sensor"? EmptyMon Jan 02, 2012 3:01 pm

Hey guys,

I am replacing the radiator in a 95 and just noticed that the new radiator does not have a connection for a coolant sensor... I am wondering if there is any potential damage by installing the new radiator (w/o sensor). A bit bummed that this new radiator claimed to be an exact fit to OEM. It sizes up well (eye-balling), but the passenger side plastic end does not have the coolant sensor. I cant afford to let the call sit while waiting on a replacement, and the old radiator has a hairline crack that is about 3 inches long. Any insight would help. Thanks fellas
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95 Radiator replacement missing "Coolant Sensor"? Empty
PostSubject: Re: 95 Radiator replacement missing "Coolant Sensor"?   95 Radiator replacement missing "Coolant Sensor"? EmptyMon Jan 02, 2012 3:37 pm

looks like this is the Low Coolant Indicator (LCI), sounds like it is only an indicator and has no effect on the PMC. Can anyone confirm?
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Name : robotennis
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95 Radiator replacement missing "Coolant Sensor"? Empty
PostSubject: Re: 95 Radiator replacement missing "Coolant Sensor"?   95 Radiator replacement missing "Coolant Sensor"? EmptyMon Jan 02, 2012 7:56 pm

You cant run the car without the sensor,it will gush. the rads dont come with sensors. you have to transplant all parts from the bum rad.
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95 Radiator replacement missing "Coolant Sensor"? Empty
PostSubject: Re: 95 Radiator replacement missing "Coolant Sensor"?   95 Radiator replacement missing "Coolant Sensor"? EmptyMon Jan 02, 2012 8:50 pm

akasirro wrote:
Hey guys,

I am replacing the radiator in a 95 and just noticed that the new radiator does not have a connection for a coolant sensor... I am wondering if there is any potential damage by installing the new radiator (w/o sensor). A bit bummed that this new radiator claimed to be an exact fit to OEM. It sizes up well (eye-balling), but the passenger side plastic end does not have the coolant sensor. I cant afford to let the call sit while waiting on a replacement, and the old radiator has a hairline crack that is about 3 inches long. Any insight would help. Thanks fellas

An older model without the sensor might have had a rad that would fit the mounting area identically but just not have the sensor mount point. Yeah the radiator "fits" but it's not really the right one and I would not leave the sensor hanging uninstalled.
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Name : Derek
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95 Radiator replacement missing "Coolant Sensor"? Empty
PostSubject: Re: 95 Radiator replacement missing "Coolant Sensor"?   95 Radiator replacement missing "Coolant Sensor"? EmptyMon Jan 02, 2012 10:43 pm

You need to swap the sensor over from your old radiator.
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95 Radiator replacement missing "Coolant Sensor"? Empty
PostSubject: Re: 95 Radiator replacement missing "Coolant Sensor"?   95 Radiator replacement missing "Coolant Sensor"? Empty

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95 Radiator replacement missing "Coolant Sensor"?
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