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 HVAC controller temp blinks repeatedly

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Name : Paul
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Joined : 2007-10-22
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HVAC controller temp blinks repeatedly Empty
PostSubject: HVAC controller temp blinks repeatedly   HVAC controller temp blinks repeatedly EmptyTue Jul 10, 2012 10:17 am

After pulling my dash apart the temp display for outside and inside air blinks for about 30 seconds then stops and looks normal. What could be causing this? I unhooked the battery overnight but this did not take care of it. The only thing different is that I have not installed my complete dash yet. Meaning, the top dash pad and the front dash panel is off still because I am going to have a new windshield put in and I figured it would be easier for the installer. So that means that there are three things unplugged still, the twilight sentinel, trip reset/traction control, and the headlight switch. I can't see this related but maybe.
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Location : Finger Lakes of New York State
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HVAC controller temp blinks repeatedly Empty
PostSubject: Re: HVAC controller temp blinks repeatedly   HVAC controller temp blinks repeatedly EmptyTue Jul 10, 2012 10:20 am

96RIVMANN wrote:
After pulling my dash apart the temp display for outside and inside air blinks for about 30 seconds then stops and looks normal. What could be causing this? I unhooked the battery overnight but this did not take care of it. The only thing different is that I have not installed my complete dash yet. Meaning, the top dash pad and the front dash panel is off still because I am going to have a new windshield put in and I figured it would be easier for the installer. So that means that there are three things unplugged still, the twilight sentinel, trip reset/traction control, and the headlight switch. I can't see this related but maybe.

There's 2 light sensors on the forward dash, make sure they are both plugged in then check the HVAC head.
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HVAC controller temp blinks repeatedly
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