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 compare 2 way remote starters

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Name : dave johnson
Joined : 2012-10-03
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PostSubject: compare 2 way remote starters   compare 2 way remote starters EmptyFri Nov 23, 2012 3:56 pm

who makes a good 2 way remote start for less than say $200? It seems that there are a mess to choose from. What about the "bulldog"?
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PostSubject: Re: compare 2 way remote starters   compare 2 way remote starters EmptyFri Nov 23, 2012 5:25 pm

Hopefully someone who's installed one will recommend one; I would not bother. If you search on this site you'll find lots about removing them to fix problems but not much if anything about installation.
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Name : dave johnson
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compare 2 way remote starters Empty
PostSubject: Re: compare 2 way remote starters   compare 2 way remote starters EmptyThu Nov 29, 2012 6:39 pm

Thanks for the tip I'm kind of wondering why the big price difference. Maybe it's a brand name thing
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Name : Ryan
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PostSubject: Re: compare 2 way remote starters   compare 2 way remote starters EmptyThu Nov 29, 2012 7:57 pm

I just ordered a Code Alarm system for my Jeep as a Christmas gift for my wife. I've been looking at a lot of different systems and done a lot of research. From what I've found Bulldog is a good system for do-it-yourselfers. Viper, Python, Hornet, and Cobra are all owned by DEI and are the best you can buy and should only be installed by a professional and for the most part can only be sold with an installation. I chose the Code Alarm system because it's a compromise of the two and I really like the looks of them. I bought one for just under $90 on eBay.

I've also been researching the installation and as long as you take your time and understand what you're doing beforehand it's not a problem. I guess we'll see when I try it.
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Name : Paul
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PostSubject: Re: compare 2 way remote starters   compare 2 way remote starters EmptySun Dec 02, 2012 11:11 am

I installed a Autopage RS1000 a couple years back that I bought off ebay. Pretty simple to install if you are capable of locating wires under dash and etc. The range is by far the best on the market. Astrostart is #1 IMO but you can't buy them they are dealer installed only.
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