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 CR's stereo Install Thread

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Name : Charlie
Age : 39
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CR's stereo Install Thread - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CR's stereo Install Thread   CR's stereo Install Thread - Page 2 EmptySun Jul 20, 2014 12:01 am

I am going to use the stock panel for now. I am using a Nexus 7 tablet and it fits perrrrfectly. Like it was made for the dang car.

I anticipate little modding will be needed and I am currently awaiting a few parts needed. Getting a shorter 90 degree angled micro USB cable and some other things to make it all fit nice. I am going to have a nice chunk of space behind the tablet and I've been pondering what I can use it for.?..

I have a good amount space in the bottom console too. There, I am currently housing the bluetooth PLX module for OBDII, the 10w USB charger module, and HPTuners module. (still need to get a wideband for the dang thang).

Right now I am planning out how if the tablet will be removable or installed into the dash. If it's 'installed' I am thinking of how I will power it. Whether it will get a constant stream of power, if it willl be switch activated, or if it will only get power when the car is on.

Lots of things to still plan. If you guys havent noticed by now, I am being slow on working on my Riv. I am on year 3 now and havent done a whole lot to it. But, you will see. It will be BEAST someday..
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Name : Matt
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CR's stereo Install Thread - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CR's stereo Install Thread   CR's stereo Install Thread - Page 2 EmptySun Jul 20, 2014 9:40 am

You could make a side slider thing similar to what Soundman is doing.

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Name : Charlie
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CR's stereo Install Thread - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CR's stereo Install Thread   CR's stereo Install Thread - Page 2 EmptySun Jul 20, 2014 8:43 pm

Well, right now I am still trying to piece it all together. Nothing is bolted down and I am still trying to find the best configuration for it.

I want to 'install' the tablet and have it programmed to turn on when the car is started and go into deep sleep when the car is off. I also need to figure out how I am going to get LTE on the thing too.

Here are some shots of where it sits now and in action.
CR's stereo Install Thread - Page 2 Img_2015

CR's stereo Install Thread - Page 2 Img_2016

CR's stereo Install Thread - Page 2 Img_2017
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CR's stereo Install Thread - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CR's stereo Install Thread   CR's stereo Install Thread - Page 2 EmptySun Jul 20, 2014 8:59 pm

Looks good Charlie, especially with the nav/map system.
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Name : Matt
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CR's stereo Install Thread - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CR's stereo Install Thread   CR's stereo Install Thread - Page 2 EmptySun Jul 20, 2014 10:05 pm

For the turn on/sleep functions try setting up an app called "Tasker". You can pretty much have it do anything when anything is done to the phone/tablet. It works off of if/then statements so it's relatively simple to set up even though the interface might be a bit confusing at first. For example I have it set so that when I plug my phone into my radio it opens up the app and dims the screen on the phone itself to save as much battery as possible (even though it's plugged in and charging the draw from the HDMI is still to much for it to keep up).
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Name : Charlie
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CR's stereo Install Thread - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CR's stereo Install Thread   CR's stereo Install Thread - Page 2 EmptySun Jul 20, 2014 10:36 pm

matt270avian wrote:
For the turn on/sleep functions try setting up an app called "Tasker". You can pretty much have it do anything when anything is done to the phone/tablet. It works off of if/then statements so it's relatively simple to set up even though the interface might be a bit confusing at first. For example I have it set so that when I plug my phone into my radio it opens up the app and dims the screen on the phone itself to save as much battery as possible (even though it's plugged in and charging the draw from the HDMI is still to much for it to keep up).

Yup. Got Tasker yesterday. Now I am reading all about this rooting stuff.

With kitkat, you need to root it to access airplane mode from the main kernel, I think? Something to that effect.

The other challenge is working with my verizon S4 to tether it to the Nexus 7 and get it connectivity. I have unlimited data plan, I just have to find a way to get it to this tablet. I guess Verizon are real buttholes about it and the newest update from Google made a fatal flaw that prohibits connecting via blutooth or USB.

So yeah, working on figuring the configuration for the tablet so I can 'hard' mount it and also working on some 3D models for the printer to make a perfect fitting mount for it.

In other news, I created a mount for my S4 so I have GPS capabilities on the Vmax now. It's awesome. Beat's pulling your phone out real quick at redlights to see if you missed a turn or not.

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Name : Matt
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CR's stereo Install Thread - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CR's stereo Install Thread   CR's stereo Install Thread - Page 2 EmptySun Jul 20, 2014 11:00 pm

Rooting is really easy for both devices. It seems really intimidating at first because of the whole brick your device thing but in reality there's almost no chance of it happening. I've rooted all of my devices without to many issues. If something goes wrong you can almost always go back and fix it. I've had a few soft bricks before (when the device turns on and that's about it) but no hard bricks (device becomes a permanent paperweight). Just take your time and follow the instructions exactly and you won't have an issue.
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