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 brake squeal (fr)

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Name : Jake
Age : 31
Location : Mississauga, Ontario
Joined : 2014-04-14
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brake squeal (fr) Empty
PostSubject: brake squeal (fr)   brake squeal (fr) EmptyThu Apr 07, 2016 10:38 am

hey guys started noticing that the riv's breaks squeal when i turn to the left, only to the left, and it has to be atleast going 25km/h, it only makes noise from the front right side wheel while going left. its got to be the brakes i tested a long sweeping turn and while the cars is squealing if i step on the brakes while turning it goes away. however sometimes it doesn't squeal at all. im thinking maybe the caliper is on its way out? thoughts anyone?
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Location : Finger Lakes of New York State
Joined : 2007-05-31
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brake squeal (fr) Empty
PostSubject: Re: brake squeal (fr)   brake squeal (fr) EmptyThu Apr 07, 2016 11:03 am

JR3800 wrote:
hey guys started noticing that the riv's breaks squeal when i turn to the left, only to the left, and it has to be atleast going 25km/h, it only makes noise from the front right side wheel while going left. its got to be the brakes i tested a long sweeping turn and while the cars is squealing if i step on the brakes while turning it goes away. however sometimes it doesn't squeal at all. im thinking maybe the caliper is on its way out? thoughts anyone?

don't be silly... pull the wheel and take a look.

also, people have forgotten that disc brakes may be noisy even if operating properly, and it is usually with careful cleaning and caliper lubrication along with anti-squeal shims and compounds that you can get them to shut up.
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Name : Jake
Age : 31
Location : Mississauga, Ontario
Joined : 2014-04-14
Post Count : 70
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brake squeal (fr) Empty
PostSubject: Re: brake squeal (fr)   brake squeal (fr) EmptyThu Apr 07, 2016 4:21 pm

Pulled the wheel today and nothing looks out of place, backing plate isn't touching or loose. the caliper seems to move freely aswell I did the brakes before winter, and the back brakes during winter lol. I guess I'll have to take them apart and clean them try to get them to be quiet, just odd its only the one side. You think maybe a bad strut mount could encourage the noise ?
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Name : Larry
Age : 68
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brake squeal (fr) Empty
PostSubject: Re: brake squeal (fr)   brake squeal (fr) EmptyThu Apr 07, 2016 4:31 pm

Disc brake squeal is very common. Clean the back of the pads with brake clean and coat the back of the pad with a product like this,



98 Riviera SC3800  All stock except gutted air box.
1970 Buick GS455 Stage1, TSP built 470BBB, 602HP/589TQ
Best MPH, 116.06 MPH, Best ET, 11.54
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Location : Finger Lakes of New York State
Joined : 2007-05-31
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brake squeal (fr) Empty
PostSubject: Re: brake squeal (fr)   brake squeal (fr) EmptyThu Apr 07, 2016 10:05 pm

LARRY70GS wrote:
Disc brake squeal is very common.  Clean the back of the pads with brake clean and coat the back of the pad with a product like this,



...and look to see that the pads are evenly worn. If not, you have a bent or dry caliper pin, probably, or some of your lube boogered up.
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Name : Jake
Age : 31
Location : Mississauga, Ontario
Joined : 2014-04-14
Post Count : 70
Merit : 0

brake squeal (fr) Empty
PostSubject: Re: brake squeal (fr)   brake squeal (fr) EmptySat Apr 09, 2016 12:39 pm

pulled the everything apart today gave em a good clean and applied some disc brake quiet, re lubed the pins, measured the pads - inners worn about 1 mm more than the outer on the right side caliper. left side caliper pads are even. the noise seems to have stopped for now lets hope it stays that way!
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Location : Finger Lakes of New York State
Joined : 2007-05-31
Post Count : 8688
Merit : 181

brake squeal (fr) Empty
PostSubject: Re: brake squeal (fr)   brake squeal (fr) EmptyThu Apr 14, 2016 2:03 pm

JR3800 wrote:
pulled the everything apart today gave em a good clean and applied some disc brake quiet, re lubed the pins, measured the pads - inners worn about 1 mm more than the outer on the right side caliper. left side caliper pads are even. the noise seems to have stopped for now lets hope it stays that way!

Consider polishing or replacing the pins on the right side caliper.

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