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 Newer Scanning Apps and Connections

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Name : Kyle
Joined : 2016-10-15
Post Count : 13
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Newer Scanning Apps and Connections Empty
PostSubject: Newer Scanning Apps and Connections   Newer Scanning Apps and Connections EmptySat Oct 29, 2016 10:41 am

I am looking to monitor KR as I work towards a smaller SC pulley.  Almost everything on here about scanning is 3-5 years old and I am sure the technology has changed drastically.  I was hoping to be able to get a bluetooth OBD II connector to monitor on my phone.  

What are your thoughts on this subject in 2016?
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Location : Finger Lakes of New York State
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Newer Scanning Apps and Connections Empty
PostSubject: Re: Newer Scanning Apps and Connections   Newer Scanning Apps and Connections EmptyThu Nov 03, 2016 3:28 pm

It's kind of up to you. You can read the Riv OBDII port with one or another of the Bluetooth OBDII dongles along with appropriate software for your smartphone or laptop.

Think of it this way: The object you are scanning (the Riviera) has not changed, and people who've already paid for their readers/scanners aren't that likely to change unless they are in the auto repair trade, wherein the technology in the newer autos has changed in ways that obsolete the old diagnostic equipment.

Because the Riv has not changed, you can do about anything to a Riv with a Tech I (don't need a Tech II). You can get the OBDI - OBDII cord for working on the 95 Rivs (see http://www.ebay.com/itm/GM-12-Pin-OBD1-to-16-Pin-OBD2-Convertor-Adapter-Cable-For-Diagnostic-Scanner-New-/272287719408) provided you have the right scanner.

So... you probably already know what you need to know, combined with the scanning posts that are on this site, to monitor KR and a bunch of other things (coolant temps, fuel, and such).

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