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 Burning Smell Underhood

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3.8 Riviera
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Name : Matt
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Burning Smell Underhood - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Burning Smell Underhood   Burning Smell Underhood - Page 2 EmptyWed May 27, 2009 9:54 pm

Well i just finished changing out my coupler, and cleaned that grease off the belts since it didn't really help stop the noise. While the belt was off i found that the alternator made a squeaking noise when spun, leading me to believe it was the root of the noise. I sprayed it down with some WD40 and it didn't really help much. After I routed the belts and finished up, i started the car and the noise was gone! So maybe your source of noise is the alternator. I know I didn't think it was that for my car initially. Hopefully it will continue to stay quiet, if not I will probably have to get a new or rebuilt alternator, but it's better than throwing money away on an unnecessary belt change. So i would suggest what others already have, and try to play around with the pulleys and belts to see if you can figure out which specific one is causing the problem. Just make sure you know how to route them back up because its a bitch headshot
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curious riv
curious riv

Name : Chris
Age : 44
Location : C'view FL
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Burning Smell Underhood - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Burning Smell Underhood   Burning Smell Underhood - Page 2 EmptyThu May 28, 2009 8:23 am

3.8 Riviera wrote:
Grrrr, that stinks. So even with the valve cover gaskets repaced it will still leak. When I called the dealership and asked about the LIM gasket, he didnt know what I was talking about. Im just going to hope that once the gaskets are replaced it's alled cured. How much do you think the LIM gasket costs? I noticed in the engine coolant resivior its low and in the inside it has dark rings around the inner walls of the container. When I asked for a price check on the passenger window motor it was 200 bucks! I know you guys said something about a cardone motor for like 30 bucks. Not bad.
If it will still leak- depends where the leak(s) are... If i was to change my LIM gasket today, I'd still be leaking oil a little bit here and there....
Also... check out our vendors who specialize in our motors. u can find our vendors on the dashboard page at the bottom. You can usually get better price for the exact same part(or better part) and search for ed morad on the net. They can get u a motor for ur window prolly ALOT cheaper than ur pricing now
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