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 DHP Power Tuner: 97 98+ specific? Help me out guys..

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Location : CHICAGO, US of MFn America
Joined : 2007-02-08
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DHP Power Tuner: 97 98+ specific?  Help me out guys.. Empty
PostSubject: DHP Power Tuner: 97 98+ specific? Help me out guys..   DHP Power Tuner: 97 98+ specific?  Help me out guys.. EmptyWed Apr 25, 2007 8:50 am

Ok, I need some pointers from the Riv tuners.

First off, I still dont quite get the power tuner pricing structure. If I get a tuner for a '97 riv can I tune a '98 riv with the same licence?

Why?: I have considered converting my 97 riv over to a 98+. FYI the 97 PCM has analog knock sensing filters whereas 98+ has a digital system. This would be the main reason. This is a longer term plan, I am going to try to make the 97 work.

What have you guys heard about tuning '97s? Some say no prob, other did the PITA swap to a 98+.
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DHP Power Tuner: 97 98+ specific? Help me out guys..
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