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 Train horn..

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Name : drew
Age : 35
Location : texas
Joined : 2012-05-12
Post Count : 108
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Train horn.. Empty
PostSubject: Train horn..   Train horn.. EmptyThu Jun 07, 2012 10:08 pm

First off, my horn doesnt work and im a week overdue on the inspection. I have read through the long thread on horns and im pretty sure my problem is in the airbag. I would love to have a very loud horn like a train or a cruise liner. How easy would it to install an air horn?
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Location : Finger Lakes of New York State
Joined : 2007-05-31
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Merit : 181

Train horn.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Train horn..   Train horn.. EmptyFri Jun 08, 2012 6:09 pm

96rivie wrote:
First off, my horn doesnt work and im a week overdue on the inspection. I have read through the long thread on horns and im pretty sure my problem is in the airbag. I would love to have a very loud horn like a train or a cruise liner. How easy would it to install an air horn?

it's easy to install the compressor and electronics and hard to find **anywhere** to mount the horn.
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