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 So my asshole buddy cant close a door properly.

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Jack the R
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So my asshole buddy cant close a door properly. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: So my asshole buddy cant close a door properly.   So my asshole buddy cant close a door properly. - Page 2 EmptySat Aug 08, 2009 1:09 pm

xxsupergman25xx wrote:
u can tell by lookin at them they have a high center of gravity. thats pretty messed up to do something like that

although i dont think the information is pertinent if one of those things is zoomin at 20 mph right at u, in this case...get the hell out the way.

(obviously the following is a joke) Hmmm... I was thinking more along the lines of blocking a doorway, throwing them into a fountain or river for defense, or, heaven forbid, dwarf tossing.

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Name : Scotty
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So my asshole buddy cant close a door properly. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: So my asshole buddy cant close a door properly.   So my asshole buddy cant close a door properly. - Page 2 EmptySat Aug 08, 2009 1:27 pm

or maybe they took 2 parkin spots with their itty bitty car. maybe u and a buddy can pick it up and move it straight for em.
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Name : Bert
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So my asshole buddy cant close a door properly. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: So my asshole buddy cant close a door properly.   So my asshole buddy cant close a door properly. - Page 2 EmptySat Aug 15, 2009 10:13 am

Look at the striker in the door jamb and see if it has moved. Just a small movement here will cause trouble. The striker is held in place by a couple of torx bolts. Although you may not be able to wiggle the striker with your hand it still may haved moved and could be causing your problem.
A quick glance at the door striker and you should be able to tell if the striker has shifted slightly by the dull paint that will show where the striker was located before the movement.

Bert tavis
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So my asshole buddy cant close a door properly. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: So my asshole buddy cant close a door properly.   So my asshole buddy cant close a door properly. - Page 2 Empty

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So my asshole buddy cant close a door properly.
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