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 Write-Up: Center Console Removal

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1998 Riv
Jack the R
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Write-Up: Center Console Removal - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Console Removal '98   Write-Up: Center Console Removal - Page 3 EmptyFri Jan 31, 2014 8:52 pm

I have read the thread here about how to remove the console in detail. But once I remove the ash tray unit and shift knob I am not able to remove the top plate of the console. I have pulled pretty hard on it and the top plate just won't come off. I don't want to break it.

Am I missing something?
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Name : Zach
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Write-Up: Center Console Removal - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Write-Up: Center Console Removal   Write-Up: Center Console Removal - Page 3 EmptyFri Jan 31, 2014 9:44 pm

You have to pull hard on it... seriously. I've done it twice and I'm scared to DEATH I'll break the thing.

Hopefully you know this, but you have to remove the center console lid (the leather-wrapped lid) as well as remove all screws securing the plastic trim piece that surrounds the center console opening. After doing that, I pull up on the plastic trim ring underside and also pull up on the cup holder cover mechanism at the same time... make that thing your b*tch. The plastic is usually relatively flexible.

As an aside, white LEDs in place of the stock halogen bulbs make the shifter numbers/letters light up blue instead of yellow-y white  pimp
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Name : Randall
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Write-Up: Center Console Removal - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Write-Up: Center Console Removal   Write-Up: Center Console Removal - Page 3 EmptySat Feb 01, 2014 6:52 am

As Zach says, you have to removed the 4 screws under the console lid, and THEN removed the shifter trim plate by pulling up to disengage the retaining tabs.
I'm sure you looked here ...
That write-up has it listed in order, Shifter Handle, Upper Trim Plate, and then the Shifter Trim Plate. If I remember correctly there are 4 of the retaining tabs, one approximately in each corner under the wood trim? Also, when I removed it from my high mileage SA there had been so much gunk spilled on and around the console I had to actually slide something down between the trim plate and the console to get it to come free! Not sure if this might be your issue but it might help?
Good luck,
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Name : Zach
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Write-Up: Center Console Removal - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Write-Up: Center Console Removal   Write-Up: Center Console Removal - Page 3 EmptySat Feb 01, 2014 8:41 pm

Yep Randall! There are 4 retaining tabs holding it down. And now that I think of it, I also stuck a long flat tool (screwdriver or metal file) between the trim plate and center console opening to pry it up
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Age : 64
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Write-Up: Center Console Removal - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Write-Up: Center Console Removal   Write-Up: Center Console Removal - Page 3 EmptySat Feb 01, 2014 9:12 pm

Of course I read the instructions and removed all the screws. This time I lifted from the rear and also slid a putty knife along the sides to free up any sticky spills holding things together. It popped right off, but I did have to really lift hard in the back.

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1998 Riv
1998 Riv

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Write-Up: Center Console Removal - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Write-Up: Center Console Removal   Write-Up: Center Console Removal - Page 3 EmptySat Feb 01, 2014 9:17 pm

Glad you got it, Yards. Working on MUCH older cars than these tends to make us very wary of using too much force when disassembling things.
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Name : Randall
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Write-Up: Center Console Removal - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Write-Up: Center Console Removal   Write-Up: Center Console Removal - Page 3 EmptySat Feb 01, 2014 9:26 pm

1998 Riv wrote:
Glad you got it
I know mine was so bad I had to use a putty knife AND a knife to cut it loose! They fit pretty snug and it doesn't take much to get it stuck in the console.
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Name : Randall
Location : North Carolina
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Write-Up: Center Console Removal - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Write-Up: Center Console Removal   Write-Up: Center Console Removal - Page 3 EmptySat Jan 30, 2016 5:59 pm

Had a request for more info about the cup holder spring, since it is part of the console I figured I would add it here. I took a couple of pics of the spring just in case anyone else has the same questions. I am adding a couple of the spring in place on the underside of the cup holder and one of the spring itself. One thing to keep in mind is that the spring is not very powerful, just need one of this size that pulls a "little" bit.

Write-Up: Center Console Removal - Page 3 Img_2618

Write-Up: Center Console Removal - Page 3 Img_2710

Write-Up: Center Console Removal - Page 3 Img_2711

Hope this helps anyone with spring questions read
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